
The Montana Association of Geographic Information Professionals (MAGIP) looks forward to your participation at this year’s 2025 Big Sky GeoCon!

Venue: Lewis Room clear filter
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Thursday, April 17

9:20am MDT

Indoor Mapping
Thursday April 17, 2025 9:20am - 9:50am MDT
State governments in the United States are increasingly mandating that educational institutions and municipalities adopt critical incident mapping (CIM) and emergency management planning to support first responders and computer-aided dispatch (CAD) during emergencies. This presentation underscores the value of integrating Esri products for CIM, emergency management and asset management, with a focus on indoor mapping and digital twins.

Key topic areas covered include data sharing, safety asset mapping, routing, 3D GIS, best path analysis, and evacuation planning, utilizing the latest reality capture methods and ArcGIS technologies. 
avatar for Brock Saylor

Brock Saylor

Senior Consultant | Digital Solutions, Langan
Brock Saylor is a senior consultant and lead client success manager with the Digital Solutions team at Langan Engineering and Environmental Services. Brock has extensive experience spanning 13 years in the GIS and digital transformation worlds, and has experience as a GIS analyst... Read More →
Thursday April 17, 2025 9:20am - 9:50am MDT
Lewis Room

9:55am MDT

Enhancing Stormwater Management in Cheyenne Wyoming: A GIS based Approach to Impervious Surface Analysis
Thursday April 17, 2025 9:55am - 10:25am MDT
Stormwater management is increasingly becoming a challenge for towns and cities that contend with population growth, aging stormwater infrastructure, and the increasing frequency and cost of storm events. Municipalities can leverage impervious surface mapping and analysis to help fund stormwater maintenance by providing an avenue to equitably assess stormwater utility fees based on the amount of impervious surface on a property contributing surface water runoff to a municipality's stormwater system.

In 2024, the City of Cheyenne, Wyoming, partnered with Pickett and Associates to advance its stormwater management program by conducting a GIS-based impervious surface mapping project. Pickett leveraged AI-based image classification using high-resolution aerial imagery to map impervious surfaces across 47.5 square miles and over 29,000 parcels within the City of Cheyenne. Pickett leveraged GIS tools, together with GIS data from the City and County, including Parcels, Address Points, Zoning, and Jurisdictional boundaries, to associate each parcel with a total impervious surface area and tie that impervious surface area to address points and, ultimately, utility billing accounts. Throughout this project, Pickett relied on web mapping applications to enhance communication and stakeholder engagement with the city engineers and city council members. This impervious surface analysis gave the city insight into each parcel’s surface water runoff potential based on its impervious surface area, which directly enabled Cheyenne to equitably assess a new stormwater utility fee based on parcel-level surface runoff potential. The city council passed the new stormwater ordinance in November 2024.

This presentation discusses the GIS-based approach and analysis that Pickett conducted for the City of Cheyenne, highlighting some of the challenges we faced and the impact that this analysis has made for the city’s stormwater program. The impervious surface mapping project not only supports Cheyenne’s Surface Water Management Program, but also provides actionable insights for future urban planning and stormwater mitigation, enabling the City to make informed, data-driven decisions to reduce flooding risks, improve water quality and better manage its stormwater infrastructure, ultimately benefiting the community’s sustainability and resilience. 
avatar for Pickett & Associates, LLC

Pickett & Associates, LLC

GIS Manager, Pickett & Associates, LLC
Ms. Paris is a GIS Manager with more than 13 years of experience leveraging GIS solutions to solve real-world problems in the fields of engineering, surveying, environmental science, and geology. Ms. Paris designs GIS tools and strategies to optimize field mapping and data collection... Read More →
Thursday April 17, 2025 9:55am - 10:25am MDT
Lewis Room

10:55am MDT

Beyond Utilities: Asset Management for Parks and Recreation – Lessons Learned from Implementation
Thursday April 17, 2025 10:55am - 12:00pm MDT
Effective asset management is essential for maintaining and optimizing parks and recreation infrastructure. This session will provide a comprehensive look at asset management from strategic planning to implementation and field operations.
The discussion will begin with a broad overview of asset management in parks and recreation, emphasizing its role in optimizing resources, improving service delivery, and ensuring long-term sustainability.

Next, the focus will shift to the implementation of an enterprise asset management system (Cartegraph) for Missoula Parks and Recreation. Lessons learned will be shared, including strategies for ensuring data accuracy, integrating GIS data, overcoming implementation challenges, and developing workflows tailored to the unique needs of parks and recreation assets. The presentation will highlight the transition to a data-driven approach to improve decision-making, streamline preventive maintenance, and enhance operational efficiency.

The session will conclude with insights from the field showcasing how asset management benefits daily park maintenance operations. Topics will include GIS integration for field staff, mobile application usability, asset digitization, and work management functionality. The discussion will highlight efforts to tailor the system for maintenance workers, ensuring efficiency and ease of use in managing park assets.

This session will provide valuable insights for organizations looking to implement or refine asset management practices in parks and recreation.
avatar for Lee Macholz

Lee Macholz

GIS Manager, City of Missoula
Lee Macholz is the GIS Manager for the City of Missoula Montana. She holds a Master’s degree in Geography and GIS from the University of Montana (2004). Lee has 20+ years of professional GIS experience spanning from GIS for Wildland Fire Management to public utilities to all-things... Read More →

Lauren Pfund

City of Missoula

Trevor Ross

GIS Intern, City of Missoula
Trevor is an undergraduate student at the University of Montana studying Parks, Tourism, and Recreation Management with a certificate in Geographic Information Systems. He works for the City of Missoula Parks and Recreation Department as a Program Assistant (GIS Intern) within the... Read More →
Thursday April 17, 2025 10:55am - 12:00pm MDT
Lewis Room

1:30pm MDT

Modernizing watercourse mapping through the 3D Hydrography Program
Thursday April 17, 2025 1:30pm - 2:00pm MDT
Montana is modernizing their stream and waterbody mapping data, which relies on the current National Hydrography Dataset (NHD). NHD is outdated and lacks detail for local features like canals and small drainages. With statewide lidar acquisition nearing completion, the next evolution of water course mapping will adopt the USGS 3D Hydrography Program (3DHP). 3DHP provides a new data model, more accurate and consistent data, and connections to water reporting systems. 3DHP will enable hydrographic analysis and visualization for a broad range of applications. Get involved to help improve Montana’s water data. 

Troy Blandford

GIS Analyst - Water Info Lead, Montana State Library Geographic Information
Troy Blandford is responsible for water-relevant GIS data and information at the Montana State Library. In addition to stewarding the statewide hydrography dataset, Troy collaborates with state, federal, tribal, and local partners to obtain and make available lidar-derived, high-resolution... Read More →
avatar for Elaine Guidero

Elaine Guidero

National Map Liaison, U.S. Geological Survey
I started my career at USGS as an applied researcher in the field of multi-scale cartography before becoming the National Map Liaison to Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota. In graduate school, I studied the typography of cartography, and I really enjoy talking about fonts... Read More →
Thursday April 17, 2025 1:30pm - 2:00pm MDT
Lewis Room

2:05pm MDT

From Capture to Insight: Leveraging Drone Technology and GeoAI
Thursday April 17, 2025 2:05pm - 2:35pm MDT
This presentation explores how drone technology and GeoAI revolutionize geospatial data workflows, from acquisition to actionable insights. High-resolution imagery collected by drones is processed into orthomosaics, 3D models, and other refined datasets. Advanced AI models analyze this data to identify patterns, detect anomalies, and inform decisions for applications like infrastructure monitoring. Emphasizing automated, scalable methods, this end-to-end process highlights efficiency, accuracy, and transformative potential, empowering organizations to address spatial challenges with precision. 
avatar for Chad Lopez

Chad Lopez

Solution Engineer, Imagery and Remote Sensing, Esri
Chad Lopez works within Esri's Imagery and Remote Sensing team specializing in drone solutions. Chad has worked at Esri since 2018 and holds a GIS Professional Certification (GISP), a Part 107 Remote Pilot Certificate, and a Master of Science in GIS from the University of Redlands... Read More →
Thursday April 17, 2025 2:05pm - 2:35pm MDT
Lewis Room

2:40pm MDT

Advancements in Remote Sensing and Imagery
Thursday April 17, 2025 2:40pm - 3:40pm MDT
We will explore and discuss new advances in remote sensing technologies, and discuss their applications in government with an emphasis on emerging technology.

-Tasking and archived satellite imagery as high as 15cm resolution (previously capped at 50cm)
-Autonomous drone docking stations
-Oriented imagery and video
-Enterprise-scale imagery management (image services and STAC)
-Every scale reality mapping, including urban and environmental digital twins 

Scott Moore

Solution Engineer, Esri
Scott Moore is a Solution Engineer Team Lead with Esri in Olympia, WA.  He focuses on assisting Esri software users with architecture design, application development and technical advice for deploying ArcGIS.  Mr. Moore’s areas of expertise include web mapping, server based GIS... Read More →
Thursday April 17, 2025 2:40pm - 3:40pm MDT
Lewis Room
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