Utilizing temperature of a tracer of ground water-surface water (GWSW) interaction has a long history in hydrology. Increasingly UAS thermal data is being used to evaluate high spatial resolution micro-scale (cm-level) GWSW interaction. Thermal UAS data can reveal areas of groundwater discharge, hyporheic zone interaction, and reaches of warmer water that can be barriers to fish movement and survival. UM and MTech conducted a 20-mile thermal UAS project on Thompson Creek in the summer of 2024. This work provides insights into the GWSW interaction along the creek and has implications for stream restoration in support of native fish populations.
Autonomous Aerial Systems Office (AASO) at University of Montana
Jeremy Crowley is the Director of the Autonomous Aerial Systems Office (AASO) at the University of Montana (UM). He has worked in the private sector, state and federal agencies, and academia for over 20 years mostly focusing on geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing... Read More →
Wednesday April 16, 2025 9:35am - 10:05am MDT
Lewis Room