
The Montana Association of Geographic Information Professionals (MAGIP) looks forward to your participation at this year’s 2025 Big Sky GeoCon!

Thursday April 17, 2025 2:05pm - 2:35pm MDT
Local raster texture is an important attribute that can be used for sample design and raster-based classification, regression, and clustering. However, determining the appropriate kernel weights to quantify texture can be challenging and can vary depending on the remote sensing or computer vision task. We present an automated approach that uses principal component analysis (PCA) and convolution kernels to quantify orthogonal intensity and texture metrics. Our approach linearly projects raster data across covariance axes, learns kernel cell weights, and provides a straightforward mechanism to retain as much information as possible within the raster dataset while removing redundancy. 
avatar for John Hogland

John Hogland

Research Forester, USDA FS RMRS
Dr. Hogland is a Research Forester working for the Rocky Mountain Research Station. His research interests revolve around quantitative methods within geographic information systems (GIS) and understanding the relationships between landscape patterns and forested ecosystems processes... Read More →
Thursday April 17, 2025 2:05pm - 2:35pm MDT
Clark Room

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