About me
Mr. Clabaugh had almost 43 years of progressive experience with WYDOT transportation surveying and advanced mapping technology, training, and SOP manual development. Mr. Clabaugh is licensed as a Professional Photogrammetric Surveyor in Virginia, a Professional Engineer in Wyoming and has a Wyoming Land Surveyor in Training registration. He is been with ESP Associates for the last 5 years as a Survey Task lead and Local Project Liaison. He is the current Chair for the Transportation Research Board Sub-Committee for Geospatial and Geodetic Aspects of BIM, the past chair of the Sub -Committee for Small Unmanned Aerial Systems and the past chair of the Committee for Geospatial Technologies for Design and Construction. He is also a panel member providing oversight of The AASHTO NCHRP Project 08-174, Development of a Surveying and Mapping Guide for Transportation Projects.