Montana State University (MSU) has embarked on an exciting journey of digital transformation by implementing the preliminary elements of a utility digital twin for their water networks using the Esri Utility Network (UN) Solution. This innovative project has revolutionized their approach, moving from standalone CAD drawings and map books to a sophisticated data model that enables advanced asset management and network tracing capabilities through their enterprise GIS portal.
GIS Manager, HDR Engineering/Montana State University
Kyle Burke is a GIS Manager with HDR Inc. based in Missoula, MT. He holds BAs in History and Anthropology from the University of Montana and a MS in Geographic Information Science and Technology from the University of Southern California. He has over 7 years as a GIS professional... Read More →
GIS evangelist specializing in enterprise GIS, asset management and utility network management. Am fascinated with integrating business systems with GIS and helping utilities become smarter, geoenabled organizations.
Wednesday April 16, 2025 11:10am - 12:10pm MDT
Governor Room